Scooby Doo
Greetings to you ladies and gentlemen.
Let me apologise for not giving you the latest jucy ones in Chiredzi. Well, this Heroes holiday I decided to enjoy it in other provinces, and that explains my silence.
Maybe, let me start by telling you what I witnessed in other provinces during my sojourn. I think you already know that I have a fat pocket to travel, wine and dine, apa tuma babie ndichingoita shara ude.
But what I saw in Masvingo is heart breaking. What is going on in my revolutionary party Zanu pf?
Baba EDzai vanhu vaya vatanga. They want to remove you makavarairwa. Pavakuda shamhu ine munyu because zvekumuka vachibika doro varamba.
But you are not going to see it until it is too late. They are using sophisticated means, violence and social media brigades. The Modus operandi is to blackmail all your strong and avid supporters in the top leadership so that munosara musisina na pillar pa ground. Ask Rurai what they are doing.
Violence against your perceived supporters is a planned footpath until elections. Muchapedzerwa mastrong supporters mukuru mukaramba makati vavava. The violence in Masvingo must make you smell the coffee.
In Mutare, mukomana wenyu uya anokudai sechocolate akadhandaradzwa for wearing a t-shirt, and standing strongly with the one wamaida kuti avhoterwe.
Muromo wakasara waita mvemve securtain ragarden boy. Baba, vanhu vaya vatanga, but Scooby-Doo is not going to let you down because ndiye ane infor yese yezvirikuitika, nezvirikuda kuitwa. I am waiting for your signal baba.
Mind you, this is not coming from Kamisa people, but your own.
They are already giving you names like Susan, Mutoriro etc. Zvinoitawo here izvozvo. Why is it that they are giving you a name for a woman and that of an illicit drug. Baba, ini handisi kuzorega kukuudzai zvose. I am now your trusted informer, for no cent of course.
In Chiredzi, the same clique is using the same method. Kana muchiudzwa kuti hakuna faction, baba, murikunyeperwa.
There is this bally and strong beaded man in Chiredzi. He is a strong supporter of you, and very vocal and vivid.
Baba Dare raronga kupedza mfana uyu.
You know him baba because everytime he comes to see you he will be driving a red BMW. Yes,I mean that mafana. Yes that one. Mamuzivaka. Here they call him Matimbanyoka. Of course the name befits him because he is too courageous to defend you against the deadly political vipers. Anotimba nyoka dzose dzinoruma mfana iyeye, even paSoshoo vanomukwata. Manje avekuda kufira izvozvo.
They are plotting to frame and press rape charges against him. Nyaya yacho ichirikubikwa zvayo but yavekutoibva, sarekuburwa, yoendeswa kumapepa nhau, and vaya vanoita zvekodzero dzevana.
The frontman on this are two cunning politicians who are also sugarcane farmers. Varikudawo chitanda but on the other faction.
To achieve this, they are starting from the bottom vachitemera pasi.
Mfana uyu arikufira nyaya yake yekufarira Musika wevanhu.
But why? Musika wevanhu ndipo panotenga vanhu vese, ndipo panogutira ruzhinji, Saka modakuubvisirei nhai vakomana imi, apa ndimi makatosviba worse. Fura na Mhuu musadaro vakomana.
Last week I was petched zvangu on the window seals at the Holiday Nest lodge muchiplanner kudestroyer mfana uyu for nothing.
I had to fly off the window seals after you failed to agree on how to attack the issue…ndichibva ndati bhuruuuu back to my hide-out. Vakomana musadaro. Nezvananawo vana Nyasharadhuma and Zvadavamwe munoitiswa sei kudaro. Imbokurai vafana musiye madirty tricks aya because mangwana hauzivi kwauchawana Basa or kuroorera. Chiredzi kadiki aka. Ndakuyambirai. Musazoti mukoma Scooby-Doo vakashaya nekuti vamurikurongera varikurongawo. Revenge is sour.
What touched me much is what was said by Fura. Hanzi “Ngwena takaipedzera kwasara Matimbanyoka, followed by Munyu (Mutimbanyoka’s friend).
Of course, Fura has all the secrets of the two because at one time they were buddies.
Hanzi tikapedza nevafana ava Musika wevanhu waparara, vanhu havachaendi kunotengako, chance given, vobva vatora chitanda vakomana.
Hear me guys, this is satanism. Ngwena was framed because inosupporter Musika wevanhu nekutengako. Ko imhosva here. Rurai ndizvondizvo futi. Musavhenyenge musangano like that vakoma.
Ngwena was framed, because haidyi chakafa choga. But kana mhuka ikauya yoga iyo Ngwena inenzara, inomedza, zvose nemabonzo.
Let me ask you guys, I hear your second plot to slaughter Ngwena again failed. Mazonyanyawo vakomana. KumaChild rights organisations uko kwamurikuda kuenda they want evidence, and you failed to get it…ndobva zvatimbombombo. Whats next manje? This political game is turning orgy each passing day, apa murikutopa Kamisa mukana nekuti murikufukurana hapwa. Chati homu chareva. Mirai muone.
Ko yekwaMagumire yevakomana veOnline Cults (illuminati) makamboinzwa here? Pane two boys dzirikuita Mari ne Online Satanism. Pakangodeukaropa chete votofona Mari yotopinda, votodhakwa. I am told these guys can not enjoy if there is no spilling of blood, and if there are no people to fight, they start it by provoking anyone. Mukangochekena nemabhotoro edoro zvavo zvabhadhara. They thrive on blood letting fights. Chenjerai!!!
Unfortunately, mari yacho must be spent extragavantly with thigh vendors and women of loose morals. Again, haubvumidzwi kugara nemukadzi wako chaiye, but whores. Haufanirwi kuita musoro nemari iyi but to bling bling. Iiii dzimwe Mari itai moga. You are also not allowed to buy a good car, it’s either you join ZIFA (Zimbabwe Footers Association) or kufamba ne push skorokoro. Imi weee. Vana kumba uko vachiseva nesalt imi muchiita mbiri yekugocha nekurojera mahure dzimba.
But kana yopera Mari yacho, ndipo paunoona kuti illuminati havasi baba vako. Unosiririsa sembongoro yaJairosi.
Next week guys, I will tell you more on this…but please don’t try it at home. kumagumo kunenyaya.